The integration allows Administrators in Moodle to connect an Exam in EURO with a course in Moodle. Students are registered automatically in EURO when they open the integrated tool in their Moodle course.
The integration works with Moodle 3 and 4.
Go to “Profile” in the EURO navigation > Click on “Show link” in the LTI registration section > Copy the link.
Go to “Site administration” in your Moodle settings > Choose tab “Plugins” > Select “Manage tools” in the section “External tool”. You should now get an input field for registration links.
Insert the LTI registration link you copied in Step 1 > Click “LTI Advantage”. The tool should now be displayed in your tool list.
The rest should already be configured correctly.
After configuring the LTI tool, click on activate to activate the tool.
Set an “Activity name” (can be anything). Represents your exams name at EURO.
When you click on the tool as Administrator, you will be forwarded to the Exam creation page in EURO (You must be logged in as a user in EURO to be forwarded correctly).
The “External ID” value is automatically set by the integration. It can´t be changed, as it identifies the connection between the exam in EURO and the course in Moodle.
When you click on the tool as Student, you will be registered in the exam that was set by the Administrator and the session link opens automatically.
The first opening will lead to the system check, that allows students to checks their systems technically.
After the check is completed, the student will enter the exam session, when clicking on the tool link.